eX-Path supports pathologists anywhere in the world with a unique IHC- and diagnostic service.
This is how it works.
You simply submit your selected paraffin blocks to us by regular mail.
You are responsible for the correct labelling of the block which will be copied by us for track and trace purposes on all slides and images.
You add your diagnosis and your request for specific antibodies.
You may also ask for fixed panels for breast, lung, prostate, lymphoma.
Alternatively you may submit your selected blocks together with data about age, sex and location of origin of the tissue sample together with your proposed diagnosis and
we will suggest a panel of antibodies that either will confirm or reject one or more of the potential differential diagnostic options.
Upon your agreement with the proposed antibodies we will cut, stain and digitize the stained slides.
The digital images will be made available exclusively for you through our website where you can login with your personal username and password.
You can inspect the images through the internet either by PC, Tablet or smartphone.
eX-Path provides upon request an extra service with interpretation of the IHC results in combination with a second opinion or you may teleconsult an expert from your own network by giving her / him access to your images.
However, at all times you will be in control of the final report and integration of the findings and/or opinions in your report and your final diagnosis.
Simply send us your request using the contact form and we will come back to you for details.